Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Labor Day weekend!

A Happy Labor Day to all my new friends that I met at 100 Oaks yesterday! It was a reallly nice time, but I don't think I actually got to sniff everyone...there were soooo many hounds! And a few humans admired me, too, so I had to spare some tiime for them.

I'm sorry I was shedding so much. It was my first M&G in a really long time and it was sooo exciting, that my fur just flew! And all that petting made it more so.

The more I think about it the more I like it you can see, there's stuffies to play with...I don't really play with them as much as Vinny & Noble do, but I do like to carry them around. This one's my very favorite.

Mom & Dad say I walk really good on leash. Not sure why that's iimportant, but, if they're happy, I'm glad.

The bed's are really nice, too. Mom & Dad make sure Vinny doesn't scare me out of the bedroom, even though he tries by growling when I come in. But, he does that to Noble, too, and Noble just ignores him. I haven't worked up the courage to ignore him, yet, but Mom always walks me right by him, so I can lay on her side of the bed. I think she sleeps better with me there!

But, in the meantime, during the day, this red bed's juuuuussst fiiiiine. But, I would like to have my very own forever home. Won't you let me visit you to check things out?
Riley...the Phoenix!

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun with you in Bellevue today, Riley! You are such a handsome boy and SO soft. We hope to see you and your foster family again soon! Have a great rest of your weekend sweet boy :)
