Sunday, October 25, 2009

My 1st Home visit

Guess what! I WENT ON A HOME VISIT!!! My foster Mom & Dad never thought I would, since I'm kinda nervous, but I went and everyone says I did very well!

In order to get in the correct, calm, relaxed mood, the night Foster Mom & Foster Dad found out about it, I decided I'd better get busy and roach! I've pretended I might do that a couple of times before, but I actually did roach that night!

(See the evidence?)

It was soooo exciting! I could hardly stand it. My foster brothers told me I missed a great Meet & Greet in Bellevue, but, I think it was worth it. I'm glad they had fun, and I enjoyed teasing Aunt Sharon and pretending I wouldn't get in her car! It was really nice of her to bring me back to my foster Dad.

I was pretty tired last night, so I'm trying to catch some extra zzzzzzzzs today to catch up! I have to be ready in case I get to go on another home visit soon! It's nice here, though, so I don't really care...but I do intend to catch up, so excuse me while I take another nap!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Labor Day weekend!

A Happy Labor Day to all my new friends that I met at 100 Oaks yesterday! It was a reallly nice time, but I don't think I actually got to sniff everyone...there were soooo many hounds! And a few humans admired me, too, so I had to spare some tiime for them.

I'm sorry I was shedding so much. It was my first M&G in a really long time and it was sooo exciting, that my fur just flew! And all that petting made it more so.

The more I think about it the more I like it you can see, there's stuffies to play with...I don't really play with them as much as Vinny & Noble do, but I do like to carry them around. This one's my very favorite.

Mom & Dad say I walk really good on leash. Not sure why that's iimportant, but, if they're happy, I'm glad.

The bed's are really nice, too. Mom & Dad make sure Vinny doesn't scare me out of the bedroom, even though he tries by growling when I come in. But, he does that to Noble, too, and Noble just ignores him. I haven't worked up the courage to ignore him, yet, but Mom always walks me right by him, so I can lay on her side of the bed. I think she sleeps better with me there!

But, in the meantime, during the day, this red bed's juuuuussst fiiiiine. But, I would like to have my very own forever home. Won't you let me visit you to check things out?
Riley...the Phoenix!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hi! My name is Riley and I'm visiting with Vinny & Noble! It's a pretty nice place, although I'm still wondering if I'll get to go home....:-( It's pretty special here. I get to lie right beside the bed, while one brother sleeps at the end, and another on the other side! It's quite cozy...

More later...

Riley (JRs Phoenix)